Sanjit Biswas net worth: You might be wondering how much is Sanjit Biswas worth? Read on, we’ll be taking you through the biography and net worth of Sanjit Biswas.
Who is Sanjit Biswas and How Much is He Worth?
Age: 40
Source of Wealth: Sensor systems
Country: United States
Net Worth: $1.6 billion
Sanjit Biswas is an American entrepreneur. He is the CEO and co-founder of Samara, a company that offers hardware and cloud-based software to collect and analyze data.
Prior to starting Samara, Sanjit was the CEO and co-founder of Meraki, a cloud networking company. However, he sold the company to Cisco in 2012 for $1.2 billion. Under his leadership, Cisco Meraki continued to grow over 100% making it one of Cisco’s fastest-growing product lines in history.
Sanjit has been recognized as a TR35 honoree by MIT Technology Review, a Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum, and has received awards for academic research in computer networking. He holds a B.S. in Computer Systems Engineering from Stanford and an S.M. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT.
How Did Sanjit Biswas Make his Fortune?
Sanjit Biswas made his fortune through various hardware and software companies. Biswas serves as the CEO of Samsara, a company that is based in San Francisco. The company also operates in San Jose, Atlanta, London with over 20,000 customers worldwide. Biswas also owns a 25% stake in the company.
He also made his fortune from Meraki, a company he co-founded with John Bicket. He sold the cloud networking company to Cisco for $1.2 billion in 2012. Under his leadership, Cisco Meraki continued to grow at over 100%, making it one of Cisco’s fastest-growing product lines in history.
What is Sanjit Biswas Net Worth?
Sanjit Biswas has an estimated net worth of $1.6 billion. Most of his earnings come from his software and hardware developing companies.